
August 23-29, 2018: Eight of Pentacles

A craftsman is hard at work, his achievements are on display but there is more to be done. This card represents a diligent attitude, suggesting that you are truly applying yourself to a major task. This is a fitting card for the week, because on August 23rd, the sun enters Virgo, which will you have feeling like a bit of a perfectionist. If you are having trouble staying focused, stimulate your earthly senses by exercising, spending time outside and eating well. Then give yourself some space from other people as you get back to work.

On the 25th, Jupiter is going to be in a unique position to Chiron. Chiron is a comet with an erratic orbit. This interaction will make you feel like you are gaining a deeper understanding of your world view.

It’s important that you pay attention to healing your deepest inner wounds as part of your growth.

On the 26th, the full moon enters Pisces, which will open the flood gates to your emotions and the feeling of perfectionism will grow stronger. On the 27th, Mars, which affects energy, will return to direct motion. Any sluggishness or difficulty focusing will subside. You’ll want to accomplish a lot, all at once. Pace yourself, be patient but assertive.

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