
October 11 – 17, 2018: Seven of Swords

In this card, we see a man gathering up seven swords as he sneaks them away from a military camp. He smirks, but he doesn’t realize that he’s been found out! A soldier in the distance holds his sword in the air to signal the thief. This card suggests something or someone is untrustworthy.

This week, the Fall Equinox is on the 12th and the Sun is in Libra. Day and night become equals. From here on out the days will become shorter. Parts of your life will seem more harmonious than usual. Surround yourself with beautiful things. Go to an art museum or go window shopping.

On the 15th Mercury is conjunct Venus in Scorpio. That feeling of balance is going to go off tilt. It shifts to a feeling of obsession. This planetary change brings with it the energy of the Seven of Swords. If you are trying to leave a bad situation, your troubles will follow you. For example, the person you are trying to avoid becomes fixated, or the consequences of your actions are harsh and unexpected. People will not be satisfied with appearances, and neither should you be. Do not pacify people during this time. If you’re trying to get away with anything sneaky right now, you will be found out just like the Seven of Swords. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of losing and was it ever yours to begin with?

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